Matthew 2:1-12
The Jewish people were expecting the Messiah for thousands of years. However, my coming into the world was a humble event very obscure to them, but for the light given off by a star. I am the light of the world that came to give light to those in darkness. The people who had the light of God through the Holy Scriptures were living in darkness just as the rest of the world.
Only the humble servants of God and a few shepherds received the knowledge of my coming and participated in the coming of the great light that would overcome darkness. In the same way three very special humble men were chosen from different cultures to perceive in wisdom the great event that was taking place, the coming of the Saviour of the world.
Just as the rain comes for the good and the bad, and the sun shines to virtuous and sinners alike, I have come for everyone. Every human being has been made in the image of God, but sin has destroyed that image. I am the Lord who forgives sins and restores the image of God in every person. The enemy has always been around trying to destroy the work of God, Herod was preparing to destroy the New King, but the plan of God has always been superior to the plan of the wicked.
The three wise men represent all the peoples of the world, who live in darkness and need my light to survive spiritually. I accepted the homage of these three humble men who went out of their ways to give glory to God by accepting the coming of His Son into the world. The offering of the incense represents faith in me, Jesus, the Son of the Living God.
This is the greatest gift any one can offer me. This I accept through your prayers and your acceptance of my Word and the Church I left to represent me. The offering of myrrh represents the suffering that I endured and the sufferings that all those who believe in me must suffer for my sake. It is the cross, which is given to everyone of my followers and requires the acceptance of the Will of God. The offering of gold represents the treasure of praise, adoration, honour and thanksgiving offered to me, your Lord, God and Saviour. It is the gift that I receive from every soul who appreciates that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
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