John the Baptist came before me to prepare the people of Israel for the coming of the Messiah. Those who listened to him repented, confessed their sins and were baptized. They anticipated my coming with great respect and delight; they were willing to amend their lives in order to start anew in communion with me their God. How wonderful it was for them to accept the kingdom of Heaven in their hearts; let me tell you Heaven rejoiced for their conversion.
I started my public ministry by humbling myself before John the Baptist and accepting the waters of baptism. By this action I blessed this sacrament as the cleansing ritual that purifies souls from original sin. I sanctified the waters of baptism so that anyone who believes in me and is baptized will enter in communion with me as a member of my mystical body. In baptism all sins are forgiven and through this initiation into Christian living the soul is committed to learn from me and to live by my example.
I have made it very simple. Repent, turn away from sin, live by my gospel and your life will take a new meaning; you will live no longer for yourself, but for me your creator. I am inviting everyone to my Kingdom, I refuse no one, all that I ask is that you accept my purification, I have already paid for your sins, you have no debt to pay, I have overcome all the enemies of man: sin, the devil and death. I am your victorious King; I have opened the gates to my Kingdom because I love everyone. Come and be blessed.
To have a true conversion the soul must experience deep sorrow for sin, this means to feel fear of God the Almighty who has been offended. Conversion is a continuous process, which starts with a decision to come into a personal and intimate relationship with me. I facilitate this with the assistance of my Holy Spirit so that you may have a voice in your conscience to inspire you to do good and to stay away from evil. By the fruits of your conversion you begin to build up a solid intimacy with me, which can be enhanced by your prayers and devotions. The closer you come to me the more intense will be your desire to live for me. I will respond by granting you peace in your heart and an ardent desire to do everything in my presence. Through me, with me, and in me, you will be victorious.
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