quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008

Santo Ignacio de Loiola

Oração de Santo Inácio
Tomai, Senhor, e recebei
Toda a minha liberdade, a minha memória também.
O meu entendimento e toda a minha vontade
Tudo o que tenho e possuo, vós me destes com amor.
Todos os dons que me destes, com gratidão vos devolvo
Disponde deles, Senhor, segundo a vossa vontade.
Dai-me somente, o vosso amor, vossa graçaIsto me basta, nada mais quero pedir.
Alma de Cristo
Alma de Cristo, santificai-me.
Corpo de Cristo, salvai-me.
Sangue de Cristo, inebriai-me.
Água do lado de Cristo, lavai-me.
Paixão de Cristo, confortai-me.Ó bom Jesus, ouvi-me.
Dentro de vossas chagas, escondei-me.
Não permitais que eu me afaste de vós.
Do espírito maligno, defendei-me.
Na hora da minha morte, chamai-me e
mandai-me ir para vóspara que, com os vossos santos,
vos louve por todos os séculos dos séculos.

domingo, 27 de julho de 2008

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the

Ever since God first called humans into being and placed them on the earth, he has tried to communicate to us why he put us here, how we should live on earth, and what will become of us after we pass from this life. His message to us has always been the same, and it has never been hard to understand. He created us for love. He put us here to teach us how to love. The time we spend on earth has no other purpose than to grow in love. And when our time here is over, we will be called home to our Father's house to abide with him in love forever.
God loves us so much that, when he could no longer bear to see us lost in darkness and despair, he sent his beloved Son into the world to save us. God himself became man, he embodied his love in human form, to communicate his message of love in a way that everyone could understand, in a way that could not be mistaken. Jesus came into the world bearing God's final offer of love. He is God's final answer to the meaning of human life.
Jesus' message to the world is that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life. He showed by his own life that God's love is all we really need, that God can in fact be trusted, that God's love overcomes everything we fear, even death. All we have to do is believe in him. But what does it mean to believe in Jesus? It does not mean merely to invoke his name, or join a following, or accept a set of doctrines. Important as these may be, they will not lead to eternal life. To believe in Jesus means to be reborn in his Spirit, to become a new person, to view the world in an entirely new way. It means to become his disciple, to no longer live for myself, or worry about my needs, or pursue my own interests, but to make him the Lord of my life. To believe in him means to acknowledge that love is worth the risk, in fact it is worth risking everything for, because it is the only way to become fully human, to realize the purpose for which we were created, and to enter eternal life.
God is LOVE for me for you and for all of us.....................

quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2008


A minha vida esta bem protegida na mão de Deus.

Ele que me ama e me cuida em cada momento.

Ele diz, "Eu chamo te pelo nome, tu és minha, permanecei no meu AMOR.


PEGADAS NA AREIA...............

Certa noite, sonhei que estava na praiacom o Senhor, e, através dos céus,passaram cenas de minha vida.Para cada ano que passava eramdeixadas dois pares de pegadas na areia,um era o meu e o outro do Senhor.Quando a última cena da minha vida passoudiante de nós olhei para trás e notei que,muitas vezes no caminho de minha vida,havia apenas um par de pegadas.
Notei também que isso só acontecia nosmomentos mais difíceis do meu viver,isso aborreceu-me e pergunteientão ao Senhor:- Senhor! Tu me deixaste… Por quê?Se um dia me disseste que eu resolvi teseguir que tu andarias sempre comigo.Mas notei que durante as minhas maioresaflições, havia na areia do caminhoda minha vida, apenas um par de pegadas.Não entendo porque nas horas maisdifíceis de minha vida tu me deixaste.O senhor me respondeu:- Meu precioso filho, Eu te amo ejamais te deixaria nos momentosdas suas provações e do teu sofrimento.Quando viste na areia apenas um par depegadas, foi porque exatamente aí,“Eu te carreguei nos braços.”
( Autora: Margareth Fishback Powers Editora Fundamento)


- Minha preciosa filha,
Eu te amo e jamais te deixaria nos momentos das suas provações e do teu sofrimento.
Quando viste na areia apenas um par depegadas, foi porque exatamente aí,
“Eu te carreguei nos braços.”

quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2008

Total Surrender

Blessed Virgin Mary, Most Holy Mother, guide my soul, accompany me in this spiritual adventure towards the Light. Towards the essence of the Holy Trinity. Holy, Holy, Holy God, listen to my call. I knock on Your door, Your Son Jesus Christ, that door where You are right behind; where Your Light shines so brightly that my fragile human eyes cannot perceive it.

I then detach myself from my body, from my senses and from my conscience, so that I can talk to You and mobilize myself directly with my soul. I leave behind all material things, all that identifies itself with me and with the world. I am the heart of my soul that has enlightened with the fire of Your Divine Love, that as a fertilized flower, has become Your fruit: The Spirit. Lord, I speak to You with my spirit, I adore You infinitely, with all the mysterious strength that You have poured over me. My words are needless, I am now an offering of Divine Love that You have placed on the earth and that is coming back to You, acknowledging Your Grandeur, Your Mercy and Your Wisdom.

Behind, there stays the dust, the world, and my ego. I am nothing. All that there is left of me is consciousness that You exist, that You are Who You Are and I am nothing, because, even this awareness of my own existence, is that flame of Divinity that You placed hidden in my heart, which is your property, but that right now has become Light, and It does not find joy in the darkness of isolated existence and it feels attracted by the magnetism of Your Omnipotent Presence. I open my heart completely to Your Majesty. The same way Christ on the Cross surrendered for us, I surrender now to You my God. I am nothing. Because You are the One Who gives me Life, You sustain it, You are my sacred refuge, You are my company, You are the Spirit that guides me and You are Who waits for me at the end of this terrestrial journey; this little adventure that is insignificant in the Eternity of Your Existence.

My God, You are marvelous, only through the joy of my soul can I express my Love to You. You have made me happy when my tears of joy have expressed my spiritual emotions. If this fire of Love has become Light, and You are the Light, then Lord, this little ray of light proclaims You and wants to kiss that infinite Celestial Sun that You Are: my origin. Lord, I feel Your Divine Presence and Your Light shines on my soul. Most Holy Trinity, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Love, and embrace me with the serenity of Your Peace, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Allow me to lose my individuality in You, to penetrate profoundly in Your Infinite Being. Allow me to be One with You. Lord, Live in me always, grow in me, support me with Your Strength, do not forsake me. Take command of all my actions, manifest Your Presence through Your servant, who lives in You, for You, through You and always with You.

Protect me Lord; make me a fort, impenetrable by sin; make me a soldier, apostle and bearer of Your Divine Word. Make me fill the hearts of my brothers with this zeal, this fervour, this spirit of Love that You have gifted me with, make me a bearer of Your Light, to vanish darkness and to prepare the terrain for Your Kingdom. Not my will, but Yours be done.
(Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary)

Speak to me Lord

Lord Jesus, my God, Eternal Word of God. I humble myself before You. You have said that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God, so I confidently come to ask you to feed me with your Word. I treasure the Word of your lips, speak to me Oh Lord, your words are words of everlasting life.................

domingo, 20 de julho de 2008


July, 20, 2008-

Mt, 13,24-34

One striking feature of the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds that is easy to overlook is the balance and maturity of the servants. If there were immature or unbalanced servants among them, the parable might have ended in a different way, such as this:
And the slaves of the householder came and said to him, “Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where, then, did these weeds come from?” He answered, “An enemy has done this.” The slaves said to him, “Then do you want us to go and gather them?” But he replied, “No; for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them.” And one of the slaves answered, “Not me, Master, for I know exactly the difference between wheat and weeds.” And he went out and began to pull out the weeds but some of them turned out to be wheat as the Master had foretold.

Too many Christians today are like such over-zealous servants who could not tolerate the evil weeds. In their zeal to serve God they go on a crusade against those they perceive as evil with the intention of cleaning up the church, the nation, or the world. In the end they discover they have made a big mistake.

Imagine the surprise and shock the servants must have felt when they went to the farm owner to report the presence of the weeds in the farm and asked for permission to go and pull them out. As far as the servants were concerned that was the right thing to do in order to maximise output, as any good farmer knows. Why then did the farm owner restrain them from pulling out the weeds? We can think of two reasons.

First, the master knew that the wheat would survive in spite of the presence of the weeds. The weeds might inconvenience the wheat temporarily but they would not choke them to death or take over the farm. Secondly, and this is crucial, he knew how difficult it is to distinguish between the wheat and the weeds. They look so much alike. Only at harvest time could they be distinguished for sure by their fruits. If it were possible to distinguish with accuracy the weeds from the wheat he would probably not have prevented them. But he prevented them for this one reason, “lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them” (Matthew 13:29).
Jesus then went on to explain to his disciples that “the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom; the weeds are the children of the evil one (verse 38).
This explanation makes it clear that the point of the parable is that Christians should not try to get rid of bad people from the world. We must let good and evil people live side by side in the world till the Day of Reckoning when they will be known for sure by their fruits. We should be content to let good and evil people live in the same house, the same apartment building, the same neighbourhood, the same country and in the same world, for the simple reason that we cannot absolutely identify without error who is the good and who the bad guy. Of course we all have our ideas of who the good and the bad guys are but, like the servants, we could be wrong. Faithful servants are those who recognise this possibility that they could be wrong and so are prepared to suspend judgment and action. Intolerance, the desire to get rid of evil people around us, breads fanatics who end up being unfaithful servants of our God who “makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45).

If you want to be a faithful servant of God you must be prepared to make room for those we perceive as evil. We must heed the words of the Master, “Let both of them grow together until the harvest” (verse 30).

sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2008

terça-feira, 15 de julho de 2008


Lord, You have us the dignity of being collaborators in your work in the world,
We know your all things in your power,
And that without you we can do nothing.

And yet you have wished it that your work be done in us and through us, that your plans be unaccomplished in history trough the means of our doing, through the powers you have given us for your will it is that here on earth your work much truly be our own.

You have told us Lord, that you are in our poor, that in this starving child of Negros hunger, in thirsty farmers you too thirst, that in the people of Smokey Mountain you are scavenger and that truly you are all around us in the homeless, in the sick and dying and stranger.
And yet, it is to us you call, from their midst.
You tell that unless we do what we can do, what must be done for them will not ever be done, and your cry for help will die in still air, and misery shall spread like up plague upon our land.
For your will it is that here on earth your work must truly be our own.

Lord, as we try to build again and new lend, be ever beside us.
Help us, when under your providence we must yet make our own way, “do or own thing” try and fail perhaps, but star new, again and again, learning to become one people, learning at least to be free.

Help us make our nation the lend you have promised us, where every man and women self have dignity and work worthy of the best in them, where their homes ring with the joy of their children, and bread is on every table in plenty, and honor alive throughout the lend.

Teach us to remember that this is truly your promised and yet also our own endeavour: for it is your will that here on earth, o Lord your work must truly be our own, AMEM


You and I, Lord, began our journey so very long ago
Together we’ve endured throughout the years
You have sweetened all my pain.
We’ve come so far, and yet we’ve just begun

You and I, Lord, we’ve seen darkness.
There were times when I was lost along the way.
I’ve been lonely, I ´ve been frightened,
I had to learn to trust.
But you were there by my side; You never let me go.
You were the light in my night that brought the day.

Thank You for Your faithfulness, Your strength, and Your love,
For gifts of special places, and for friends.
Thank You for drawing me ever closer to You.
Be with me on the road that lies ahead.

You and I, Lord, we share life.
Together we have been, and we will be.
My life is Your, Lord.
I am open to the mysteries and wonders of Your love.

You have sweetened all my joys.
You’ve brought comfort in my pain
We’ve come so far, and yet we’ve just begun

You have sweetened all my joys.
You’ve brought comfort in my pain.
We’ve come so far, and yet we’ve just begun.

sábado, 5 de julho de 2008

we praise God for what he has done

I will...praise your name for your love and your faitfulness. (Psalm 138:2)

O heavenly Father, you have watched over me, orchestrating my life for my good and your glory. Thank you for all you´ve done for me.

God´s Love

May the Lord direct your hearts into God´s love. (2Thessalonians 3:5)

Peace with God

we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. (Romans 5:1-2)

sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2008

Hidupku ada di dalam tanganNya

Semoga hidupmu dan hidupku bagaikan sekungtum mawar yang indah untuk menghiasi taktaNya yang suci.

quinta-feira, 3 de julho de 2008

KasihNya yang abadi

Pergilah ke seluruh dunia untuk mewartakan kasihNya.
Di dunia yang begitu banyak undangang, masih ada sekelompok orang yang berani dan bersedia untuk tinggalkan semuanya demi memperluas kasih Tuhan.
Bagi semua itu, selamat berbahagia dan selamat mewartakan kasihNya yang abadi. Semoga dengan kesaksian hidupmu dan hidupku kita sanggup memberikan kepastian tentang kasihNya kepada semua yang mau mendegar dan menjawabNya "YA" di dalam keputusan hidupnya.
Saam buatmu semua