I then detach myself from my body, from my senses and from my conscience, so that I can talk to You and mobilize myself directly with my soul. I leave behind all material things, all that identifies itself with me and with the world. I am the heart of my soul that has enlightened with the fire of Your Divine Love, that as a fertilized flower, has become Your fruit: The Spirit. Lord, I speak to You with my spirit, I adore You infinitely, with all the mysterious strength that You have poured over me. My words are needless, I am now an offering of Divine Love that You have placed on the earth and that is coming back to You, acknowledging Your Grandeur, Your Mercy and Your Wisdom.
Behind, there stays the dust, the world, and my ego. I am nothing. All that there is left of me is consciousness that You exist, that You are Who You Are and I am nothing, because, even this awareness of my own existence, is that flame of Divinity that You placed hidden in my heart, which is your property, but that right now has become Light, and It does not find joy in the darkness of isolated existence and it feels attracted by the magnetism of Your Omnipotent Presence. I open my heart completely to Your Majesty. The same way Christ on the Cross surrendered for us, I surrender now to You my God. I am nothing. Because You are the One Who gives me Life, You sustain it, You are my sacred refuge, You are my company, You are the Spirit that guides me and You are Who waits for me at the end of this terrestrial journey; this little adventure that is insignificant in the Eternity of Your Existence.
My God, You are marvelous, only through the joy of my soul can I express my Love to You. You have made me happy when my tears of joy have expressed my spiritual emotions. If this fire of Love has become Light, and You are the Light, then Lord, this little ray of light proclaims You and wants to kiss that infinite Celestial Sun that You Are: my origin. Lord, I feel Your Divine Presence and Your Light shines on my soul. Most Holy Trinity, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Love, and embrace me with the serenity of Your Peace, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Allow me to lose my individuality in You, to penetrate profoundly in Your Infinite Being. Allow me to be One with You. Lord, Live in me always, grow in me, support me with Your Strength, do not forsake me. Take command of all my actions, manifest Your Presence through Your servant, who lives in You, for You, through You and always with You.
Protect me Lord; make me a fort, impenetrable by sin; make me a soldier, apostle and bearer of Your Divine Word. Make me fill the hearts of my brothers with this zeal, this fervour, this spirit of Love that You have gifted me with, make me a bearer of Your Light, to vanish darkness and to prepare the terrain for Your Kingdom. Not my will, but Yours be done.
(Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary)
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