domingo, 27 de julho de 2008

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the

Ever since God first called humans into being and placed them on the earth, he has tried to communicate to us why he put us here, how we should live on earth, and what will become of us after we pass from this life. His message to us has always been the same, and it has never been hard to understand. He created us for love. He put us here to teach us how to love. The time we spend on earth has no other purpose than to grow in love. And when our time here is over, we will be called home to our Father's house to abide with him in love forever.
God loves us so much that, when he could no longer bear to see us lost in darkness and despair, he sent his beloved Son into the world to save us. God himself became man, he embodied his love in human form, to communicate his message of love in a way that everyone could understand, in a way that could not be mistaken. Jesus came into the world bearing God's final offer of love. He is God's final answer to the meaning of human life.
Jesus' message to the world is that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life. He showed by his own life that God's love is all we really need, that God can in fact be trusted, that God's love overcomes everything we fear, even death. All we have to do is believe in him. But what does it mean to believe in Jesus? It does not mean merely to invoke his name, or join a following, or accept a set of doctrines. Important as these may be, they will not lead to eternal life. To believe in Jesus means to be reborn in his Spirit, to become a new person, to view the world in an entirely new way. It means to become his disciple, to no longer live for myself, or worry about my needs, or pursue my own interests, but to make him the Lord of my life. To believe in him means to acknowledge that love is worth the risk, in fact it is worth risking everything for, because it is the only way to become fully human, to realize the purpose for which we were created, and to enter eternal life.
God is LOVE for me for you and for all of us.....................

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