Supreme King,Creator of the Heavens and the earth. Glory to You Supreme Omnipotence, Glory to You, Fountain of Love and Eternal Wisdom, glory to You, Highest Infinite Majesty.
Glory to You, abundant fountain of Existence, glorious cause without cause. Glory to You, Divine Promise and final Goal of all Your Children, Whose Name is reason for Praise and Fear.
Glory to You Sovereign God, beyond the description of our limited human intellect, but closer than our own breath. Glory to You God, Author of what has been created and sustaining Spirit of the physical and spiritual universe.
My Father, I adore You with all the strength of my heart, my mind, my soul and my Spirit.
Celestial Father, Come reign in our hearts!
GLORY TO YOU GOD THE SON OF THE CELESTIAL FATHER, my most loved Lord Jesus Christ. God the Son, begotten of the Father in His Eternal Womb, God born man of the Holy Virgin Mary through the conception of the Holy Spirit, Incarnate Eternal Wisdom.
God King of all the creatures of the Father.
Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world through the only sacrifice worthy to the Father for the redemption of mankind.
Glory to You, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, offered daily in all altars throughout the world in reparation of our sins.
Glory to You, "Eternal Fountain of Mercy and Love" that grows in the hearts of those who love You. Glory to You Lord Jesus Christ in whose Sacred Heart our souls find refuge.
Glory to You Most Beloved Jesus, through our devotion and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Your blessed Mother, our advocate before You.
Son of The Eternal Father, my Lord and God, I love You with all the strength of my heart, my mind, my soul and my spirit. Most beloved Jesus, Come reign in our hearts!
GLORY TO YOU GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, Spirit of the Father and of the Son, Voice of the Wisdom of God, that spoke to the Patriarchs, to the Prophets, and to the Saints. Glory to You Holy Spirit, spiritual espouse of Mary, that overshadowed the Holy Virgin Mary as she conceived the Son of God, our Lord Jesus.
Glory to You Holy Spirit, Incarnate Wisdom in Jesus Christ that with Your Divine Word left us food for our souls. Glory to You Divine Spirit of Pentecost's, that enlightened the Virgin Mary and the apostles, to propagate the Kingdom of God in all hearts.
Glory to You Holy Spirit that guides and sustains the Church of Christ through your servants. Glory to You Holy Spirit, Spirit of prayer, fervour, consecration, penance, faith, hope, love to God and to our neighbour, mortification and detachment of the world. Glory to You Spirit of anxiety for the House of the Father.
I love You with all the strength of my heart, my mind, my soul and my Spirit.
Holy Spirit, Come reign in our hearts!
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